Friday 2 March 2012

everything isnt everything

A boy grows up with only good things happening.  When he begins to get a little older he starts to feel guilty because of his good fortune, while so many others around him cannot seem to catch a break.  His guilt builds and builds until he cannot see people for who they are- because he feels so blessed and becomes an eccentric recluse.  Until one day he receives a knock on his door- upon answering it a man with similar great fortune appears and tells him to spread his wealth. Not in the monetary sense, but in the sense where a smile goes a long way.  He teaches the boy about karma and that the good he spreads towards other emanates and causes a chain reaction that can spread throughout the world.  This changes his thoughts and spends time giving and giving himself to foundations and organizations and to anyone who cares to stop and listen- and over a short time he began to see a recognizable change in his community.  So he wanted to have a bigger effect on the world. His name began to spread and he continued to glow and spread love and people came from all over the world to see him and bask in his presence and kindness. Soon companies were interested in having him as a motivational speaker for their employees and were throwing large sums of money at him.  Not that money was his motive, but it soon started flowing in- and we was quickly becoming richer and richer.  With this accumulation of wealth- he began to grow distant from his cause and because people were paying him exorbitant amounts of money- he soon began expecting.  Instead of spreading his good fortune he insisted on charging- now having no time for the people he would pass on the street.  His whole frame of mind switched and people began to notice it.  Slowly he lost his gigs, and his attitude towards people pushed them away.  He became full of himself and since everyone had always come to him for help- he expected it.  In his eyes he had never changed.  Now down on his luck- he began to feel sorry for himself.  This was something that he had never faced before in his life.  He felt sad and that nothing was going his way.  He wasn’t making and money and soon he was depressed to show up to work.  He once again sheltered himself from society an thought and thought.  One day he spotted a little boy careless and carefree to the world- and the boy was walking the streets oblivious to any hatred, or impurities. And as he watched this boy, he began to think back to his childhood and how all these freedoms and how everything was so easy and that nothing really mattered.   If you were hungry there was food, tired a bed, dirty a mom to wash you. And as he got lost in this boy- the boy had stopped, eyeing something on the ground. Picking it up, the man saw that it was just a penny. To him it was just a penny, a penny that he wouldn’t spend the time to pick up. Just a penny! He once had so much money that he would have been losing money to stop to pick up a penny.  But what the little boy did surprised him, he bent down to pick it up and noticing the man in rough shape- walked over to him, smiling, and placed the penny in his hand and said “It’s heads. It’s good luck”.  The little boy bounced along the sidewalk happy-go-lucky. Not knowing the weight of his actions- just doing what he felt was right.

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