Friday 2 March 2012

every thought at once

If you could live your present life with hindsight would you live it differently?
Knowing everything we do about being healthy and fitness and how to create wealth and living stress free in a relationship- all these things have been studied simultaneously lying in the back of our heads like we are the first one trenching through as the first squad-  when in actually we have witnessed the first, second, third squads get blown away- hell we are watching the same war on TV years later from the comfort of our homes, and yet with this knowledge that has been painstakingly bestowed upon us, but we continue to make the same ‘gosh darn’ mistakes.

I know what I want to be happy. I have every opportunity in the world to be happy- though I let the idea of happy I’ve created taunt me as if it were a piƱata held inches out cof reach. I am a present form holder of hindsight and I do nothing- we do nothing- correction me, us schlubs do nothing. Why does it always take something drastic to show us “this means business”- its like we need someone to come up to us and draw a graph of our unhealthy lives showing that eating 100* the fat intake each day will eventually kill us- and our friend ‘Eventually’ is siding up against its new friend ‘Now’.  But these are things I already know- and I know that I know this is redundant and why don’t I just stop eating burgers and bacon and all those tasty eyeballed creatures- and it comes down to one main thing. I was born in a land of plenty- where not only is there a tree for us to pluck the fruit from- but some guys plucked them for me and selling them to me cheaper than my time plucking them. It’s a win-win and on top of that it’s everywhere- and I mean everywhere. EVERYWHERE!

Gluttony is in people- haven’t you read the free press. Put on your shutters and feed yourself blind. This is the time to go for broke- we’ve seen what the future has in store, and were bored of it- lets hit the Ben and Jerry’s and talk about the game over all 31 flavours.  

So when it comes down to it- I don’t really care what you can do about it. Die, enjoy it, be my guest- we’ve all been warned about life’s hazards- but what can I do for myself because honestly people- life is about satisfying your needs first and then well if they can get theirs too then that’s just a bonus and a weight lifted off my shoulders- and a conversation avoided in the morning.

But when it comes down to it- how do I constantly fill myself with the thoughts that of what I am doing is unhealthy for my relationship, health, gears gadgets and gizmo’s- I have always wanted to live with everything going on in my head all at once, so I could halt any bad thoughts or temptations before they arise. But how do we live with humility for those in Ethiopia, Bombay, and Arctic slums- how do we live with the thought of mother’s placing unwanted babies in dumpsters- with murders right NOW.. And a stabbing NOW… And Rape NOW and NOW and NOW… While others suffer shortened lives from progeria,  obesity, cancer, endemics, freak accidents, tsunamis, floods and stray bullets, lions tigers, bears and aids OH MY!!!

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