Tuesday 6 March 2012

pops 55th

Hey Pops, the big 55, damnnnnn! hahaha
Ill tell you this first- you are not a number, so dont feel a number!

Ok i got that out of the way!
I want this to be a happy, healthy, and prosporous year for you and all of your
new ventures! I hope everything you want to do starts to bloom, and is successful.

I heard a saying that we do what we want now, so that we can do what we want later!
I know you want to start being more active and i hope that you will courage up the strength
to put the past aside for good, and start grabbing hold of life.

Don't settle for anything you are not passionate about. Today is the new year in Korea, following
the chinese calendar, and let this be a new beginning for you. STart getting your healthy together,going to the doctor is the first step, start working on your business, get back into photography- go out for walks like you used to, start writing, take time for yourself, and instead of watching that extra tv show- get out there and do the things you love. 

My roomates and I have been talking lately and we both feel unfulfilled with life- we both lead amazing lives, have free time, luxuries in all aspects, a great job, beautiful house, girls, and yet we feel we are missing out on something- and that is that we are missing out on the true purpose of life, and that is to create and be a part of it all and give back, because we truly (even you- through all your ups and downs) have an amazing life. And what we thought a lot of people are in our position of wanting more- and we are let life pass, and we are comfortable- so what we have to do is create the things we love and other people will join or follow.

I watched a video of a hiphop group growing up in the gaza strip under the harshest of circumstances and they were the same as me- liked to listen to music, liked girls, partied, and joked around! So whatever you want to do in life, there are people going through the same feelings and emotions as you are right now! So dont let things get you down.

As for the speech im done! hehe i just want to say Happy Birthday and lets talk about you coming to Korea and working something out. I would love to show you around my new home town. Meet my friends, my school, my life style! It would be nice since you introduced me into this world, and taught me sports and about life and that I can show about something that ive learned along the way. Lets make this a point to start communicating more, and for both of us to start working on things that we love- and actually doing them! No more waiting for tommorow.

You want to get a gym membership and so do I. So lets get them and maybe we can have an across the world competition for fitness, or body fat loss, or anything- something to get us both motivated.

Its been a long time since we have seen each other, around 3 months now, and in the past 2 years its been even  less- so since in stuck here you gotta make your way to me! haha and it will give you a chance to go somewhere you never imagined you would.

Actually, i was telling the story of us going out east the other day and how you got arrested! That trip was great- when I get back in november, we should plan to go on another trip! Something for us both to look forward to- and it will keep us more in contact.

Anyways, I hope the doctor has good news, and that they can cure your stomach problems, and that everything will turn out for the better. I love you, have a great birthday, dont have too many brown sodas, or nasties, and we will talk soon.

Here are a couple stories I wrote along my travels that you havent seen- so maybe i can give you a little more insight to my life and the things ive seen.

LOve you and Happy Birthday

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