from the front, kicked back in my wooden-slat chair I watched it inconvenience
people as they are forced around it
I watched it soak peoples feet
I watched it bubble as drops hit &
I watched the rings it left with each thud like the scene in Jurassic Park
I stared at this puddle for a long while having no motivation to bake on
such a gloomy day. So I sat and stared at each person that walked by-
some with splashing boots, some teenage kids that spit in it, some were even
oblivious to it- with hungry eyes set on the burrito shoppe next door.
When people weren't around I thought about how this puddle would discourage
an ant, or perhaps throw its entire day off course. I thought about how a dog
would come and slurp giant heaps with its rubbery tongue. How children would
force their parents out of the house on days like today... to play. Its amazing how
one puddle can create so much depth.
Oh you wonderfully doomy day,
You couch and fireplace crawl up with a book day,
You order pizza and pajamas day,
You wet disgusting day-
A day that paper-men loathe and farmers rejoice
A day where parks are left barren while coffee shops burst at the seems
A day where umbrella sales rocket and ice cream parlors cringe
Just a lazy day to sit and stare at the little bubbles that float around like curious ducks in unison- little bubbles that cling to shoes and leave foot-shaped soldiers along the concrete path in front of my barren shoppe
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